Moana: Live Action (2025)
Disney’s Moana: Live Action (2025) is shaping up to be an awe-inspiring reimagining of the beloved animated classic. Directed by Jon M. Chu, this adaptation stars Zendaya as the fearless and adventurous Moana and Dwayne Johnson reprising his iconic role as the larger-than-life demigod Maui. The first trailer offers a captivating glimpse into this magical and visually stunning retelling.
The trailer opens with sweeping views of the boundless Pacific Ocean, its turquoise waves glistening under the sun, setting the stage for a tale of courage and discovery. Zendaya’s voice resonates as Moana’s narration begins: “The ocean chose me… but my journey is far from over.”
The scene transitions to Motunui, Moana’s island home, brought to life with lush landscapes, vibrant Polynesian culture, and intricate village details. Standing on the shoreline, Moana gazes toward the horizon, her spirit of adventure and determination evident in her expression.