Alien: Romulus (2025)
“Alien: Romulus” (2025) is the latest entry in the iconic Alien franchise, taking the saga into bold new territory while staying true to its roots of sci-fi horror. Directed by rising talent Fede Álvarez, this installment explores a fresh, isolated story set in the terrifying universe where the deadly Xenomorphs lurk.
The film is set on a distant, uncharted colony world known as Romulus, a harsh and hostile planet located on the fringes of known space. The plot centers around a group of young colonists sent to Romulus to prepare it for human settlement. What was meant to be a routine terraforming mission quickly turns into a nightmare when the team uncovers a long-buried secret. Hidden beneath the planet’s surface lies an ancient structure—a remnant of a lost civilization—that contains traces of the Xenomorph species.