The Shining 2
The Shining 2 revisits the terrifying legacy of the Overlook Hotel decades after the Torrance family tragedy. The story follows Danny Torrance’s children, twins Eleanor and Miles, who inherit their father’s “shining” abilities. Haunted by eerie visions and whispers from the past, they are drawn to the abandoned Overlook Hotel, which has become a site of urban legend and paranormal investigations.
The twins discover that the hotel’s malevolent force has been dormant, waiting for an opportunity to awaken. Their arrival stirs the dark energy, which begins manifesting as ghosts from the past—including a haunting recreation of Jack Torrance, portrayed by a digitally de-aged Jack Nicholson in eerie flashbacks and spirit sequences. Jack’s ghost serves as both a warning and a temptation, urging the twins to either destroy the hotel or succumb to its power.