Woman who’s done entire journey on world’s longest cruise shares how much it cost

Amike has been travelling on the seven continent cruise for a whopping nine months

Most people head on cruise holidays for a couple of weeks at the most, but one woman has actually been travelling for 274 days, across seven continents.

Content creator Amike Oosthuizen is onboard Royal Caribbean’s Ultimate World Cruise, and she’s one of the 2,000 people who have committed to travelling the world for a whopping nine months.

Argentina, Brazil, Miami, the Bahamas and even Antarctica are just some of the cruise’s stop-off points as it promises to visit every corner of the globe.

“It’s always been a dream of my family to travel the world,” the 26-year-old, from Cape Town, South Africa, told The Sun.

“And my dad saw an article all the way back in 2020, advertising the cruise, and wanted to do it with us, knowing he’d have retired by now.

“We were all obviously very excited but we didn’t think it would ever happen.”

Amike is on the world's longest cruise (Instagram/@amikeoosthuizen)

Amike is on the world’s longest cruise (Instagram/@amikeoosthuizen)

With such a mammoth journey, many people are wondering how much the cruise has set Amike back financially. And as you can imagine, it was a lot.

We’re talking tens of thousands of pounds and the equivalent of a hefty house deposit.

Even though the trip of a lifetime will sound like a dream to so many, it will set you back a whopping £55,200.

But we imagine it’s pretty spectacular, if you have the cash.

“I know it’s super-expensive coming on the trip,” Amike added. “But I think, back home, you would have paid a lot to live this standard of life, eating like you eat here and drinking takeaway coffee and cocktails each day, and then obviously travelling as well.”

“There is so much food, and the food is really good. There’s waffles and pancakes and all the good stuff here.



“I have a good balance – if I really crave it I’ll have it, but I try not to over eat because back home I would’ve never eaten even three meals a day, and as much food as here, because I was really busy with work and here there’s just food all the time.”

With the cruise coming to an end today (10 September), Amike has shared a tour of the room she’s been living in for the last nine months.

“I can’t believe I’m here making this video, the ultimate world cruise is finished in just two days,” she said. “Today, we pack up a room and it is so sad… it has been such an amazing journey.”

In the clip, Amike shared a tour of their room, revealing how they dried their washing and how many suitcases they took on the trip.

Royal Caribbean call the cruise a ‘hemisphere hopping expedition of a lifetime’ exploring sites including Machu Picchu in Peru, the Great Wall of China, the Colosseum in Rome, The Taj Mahal in India and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

If you don’t fancy doing a full 274 days, you can also choose one of four ‘segments of the world’ each consisting of a 60-night sailing.

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