Fishermen stunned after seeing shark devoured in one bite by enormous sea creature

Captain John Brossard and his crew couldn’t believe the ‘unbelievable’ incident which unfolded in front of them

If you thought sharks were the scariest creatures lurking below the surface, you might want to think again.

Because this enormous sea creature managed to make mince meat out of the predator with just one bite – and a gang of flabbergasted fishermen managed to catch the whole thing on camera.

Which is a good job really, as this is one of those things that’s got to be seen to be believed.

Take a look at this:

Despite being just inches away from a trio of terrifying Atlantic goliath groupers which swarmed their small boat in the hopes of securing a meal, Captain John Brossard and his sailing crew were left mesmerised by the creatures.

Even though seeing a shark get devoured wasn’t on their list of plans for that day, they just couldn’t look away.

The lads were out on the water off the coast of Goodland, Florida, while having some fun with their fishing rods when they managed to hook a blacknose shark.

But as they soon found out, you can never be too sure what’s lurking in the water – as the 3ft beast was actually accompanied by three more formidable opponents.

The fishermen spotted three Atlantic goliath groupers gearing up to take the shark down and John quickly grabbed his phone to record some footage.

He can be heard exclaiming: “There’s three of them! There’s three of them. I swear, there’s three of them. Look at those guys waiting for him.”

Captain John Brossard captured incredible footage of the terrifying moment (Pen News)

Captain John Brossard captured incredible footage of the terrifying moment (Pen News)

The groupers – which are saltwater fish known for their staggering size – can be seen circling their prey as the blokes debate which one is the biggest, before the top dog decided to reveal itself.

In one fell swoop, one of the giant fish leapt out of the water, secured the shark between its jaws and swam off with it.

And seen as though they had the beast hooked on their fishing line, the fishermen were heard urging one another to ‘hold on tight’ as their boat swayed when the line snapped.

Speaking of the extraordinary incident, John said him and his crew were left stunned by the strength of the groupers.

He explained: “Basically we were shark fishing when all of a sudden two or three goliath groupers started hanging out under the boat waiting for our catch to come in.

“We were just thinking, ‘Wow, unbelievable! Something is going to eat a shark and it’s bigger than a shark’.

“We were very surprised. Basically it ate the shark, and took down and broke the line. We were using a 50-pound test line and that was not enough.”

One of the Atlantic goliath groupers took down the shark in one swift movement (Getty Stock Image)

One of the Atlantic goliath groupers took down the shark in one swift movement (Getty Stock Image)

Hazarding a guess at how much one of the huge fish weighed, he reckoned that they could have tipped the scales at 500lbs.

Although he still doesn’t want a run-in with a shark, John says the encounter left him feeling that the creatures clearly aren’t as fearsome as they’re made out to be.

He continued: “Do they deserve all the hype? I think sometimes yes and sometimes no, but most of the time, no.

“Of course, if you get in their way, in their territory and the water is dirty, yes, they will taste you to see if you are good eating.”

John also explained that out in the Florida Everglades, there are plenty of animals to be wary of, adding: “There are sharks, alligators, crocodiles, pythons, dolphins and manatees all in one place.

“It’s the only place in the world that has all these creatures in one place and everything there tries to eat everything else.

“Bull sharks have been seen getting eaten by crocodiles and alligators sometimes, and sharks also get eaten by bigger fish there.”

And bizarrely, this is exactly the reason why he chose to fish in that spot – even though he’s well aware of the risks.

“What we like to catch is big fish,” John said. “They are all predators in the Everglades. You don’t wanna get lost there and have to walk or swim home.”

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