American Ninja (1985) is an action-packed martial arts film directed by Sam Firstenberg, starring Michael Dudikoff as Joe Armstrong, a U.S. Army soldier with a mysterious past and extraordinary fighting abilities. The film is set in the Philippines, where Joe is stationed on a military base and becomes embroiled in a deadly conflict between a group of ninjas and corrupt military officials.
When his friend and fellow soldier, Sgt. Curtis Jackson (Steve James), is kidnapped by the enemy ninjas, Joe must use his unique combat skills to rescue him and take down the ninja syndicate. As the story unfolds, Joe’s hidden ninja heritage is revealed, and he must confront his past while fighting to stop a dangerous criminal operation.
American Ninja is known for its thrilling fight scenes, explosive action sequences, and over-the-top characters. While it may not be the most refined martial arts film, it became a cult classic for fans of 1980s action films, inspiring several sequels and contributing to the popularity of ninja-themed movies during the era.