People horrified by what lies beneath after man drops GoPro from ‘world’s most dangerous fishing bridge’

You wouldn’t want to just jump in there yourself

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water…

Actually, we really hope you never thought it was safe to go into this water because it was green as hell and full of creatures that might fancy taking a bite out of you.

We didn’t invent cameras for the purpose of dropping them into dangerous places where humans ought not to plunge, but they’re damn useful appliances for just such a task.

One man who found ‘the craziest fishing bridge in Florida’ decided he’d give his GoPro a dip beneath the surface to see what might be hiding in the murky waters.

Yes, this is YouTubing angler Brant Peacher, the guy who previously plunged his GoPro into the water beneath the ‘world’s most dangerous fishing pier’.

When he did that he discovered schools of fish swimming beneath the structure, as well as sharks lurking underwater that would make it a singularly bad idea to pick it as a spot to go swimming.

Someone give this turtle's shell a good scrub. (YouTube / AnglerUp with Brant)

Someone give this turtle’s shell a good scrub. (YouTube / AnglerUp with Brant)

Initially he discovered the expected cohort of aquatic life, with plenty of fish swimming around.

He mused that some of them might even have mistaken his camera for food, hence their interest in swimming right up to the GoPro to have a look.

However, any fish looking for a nibble would have gone away sorely disappointed as GoPros aren’t particularly edible.

“It’s amazing how many gators are in these bodies of water that you don’t even see, you don’t even know are there until you drop the GoPro,” he said.

That may rather be the point, as the snappy gators seemed content to drift in the water and lie in wait for something to happen.

Brant’s viewers thought getting a look at the ‘incredible ecosystem‘ was amazing, but found the lurking gators quite scary.

Those gators have longer legs than you'd expect. (YouTube / AnglerUp with Brant)

Those gators have longer legs than you’d expect. (YouTube / AnglerUp with Brant)

“I’m convinced you can’t stand in one spot in Florida without checking to make sure a gator isn’t sneaking up on you,” one viewer said, while another said ‘you never realize how long their legs are’ until you see them in the water.

When he headed for another fishing bridge and gave his GoPro another dip, Brant then spotted a turtle swimming underwater with a shell covered in the fuzz of a coating of algae.

It’s a nice reminder that nature is pretty darn amazing when you can get a good look at it.

Then again, you might want to be careful where you go because not all dangers can be seen.

Definitely don’t go jumping into unclear bodies of water, go fishing with your GoPro instead.

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